The Friends of the RCS welcomes our first Art for A Song artist participants, Lee and Elizabeth Sauder, Rockbridge County artists and brother and sister-in-law of our own mezzo-soprano, Anne Sauder. The Sauders have donated two beautiful art works to kick us off for our raffle to be held in conjunction with the Rockbridge Choral Society's final concert of the 2016/2017 season - Rachmaninoff's Vespers. Please, join the chorus at 7 PM on April 2, 2017 at the Lexington Presbyterian Church, downtown Lexington, and enter for a chance to win. Read on for a bit about Elizabeth.
Elizabeth Sauder describes herself as a plein air painter, ie, she paints outdoors. She often visits a site several times during the day, analyzing how light and weather impacts the subject of her paintings. Of her work philosophy, she says “I paint as a way to explore and become intimate with a place and to better understand the visual and environmental phenomena surrounding it…to understand the fundamental characteristics, the very essence of the land that I call home.”
You’ll encounter Elizabeth painting all over Rockbridge County, from a downtown Lexington street on a warm, fall evening at twilight to the middle of a barn-lot surrounded by curious calves on a snowy morning. Check out her work or at Artists in Cahoots in Lexington.
Elizabeth's donated work is titled Spring. She chose one of her favorite spots off of Turnpike Rd. and painted this lovely work over a few days in March 2016 "when the trees were first budding out and the grass was newly freshened with chlorophyll." She set her easel up in the field and painted what was in front of her, as is often her practice. Come to the concert and enter for a chance to win Spring.
Elizabeth Sauder paints en plein air
Spring, 24 X 18" painted en plein air, artist Elizabeth Sauder